Claims made simple

Easily make your claim application online by following our simple 4-step claims process.

A paper kite illustration on a blue background

Step 1

Claims Notification

Submit your claim form with all the supporting documetation.

A document review with spyglass illustration on a blue background

Step 2

Document Review

We will alert you that we have received your claim and process submitted documents.

A clipboard with a pen illustration on a blue background

Step 3

Capture Claim

We will capture your claim for payment and update your contract.

A phone with a bank card and payment validation illustration on a blue background

Step 4


Payment will be made to the beneficiary bank account and proof of payment will be sent to you.

Claim Now!

  • Download the claims application form.
  • Sign In to The Dashboard or Sign Up if you don't have an existing account.
  • Submit your form on the claims application page.

Alternatively, you can email the form to